
Enjoy all of our episodes, complete with show notes and transcripts.

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Ep. 80

Cassette Tape

16 July 2024

In a retro-futuristic world, a technology exists that allows you temporarily adopt someone else’s personality by listening to a special cassette tape. When a young woman goes missing, her brother uses her personality tape to try to find out what happened to her.

Previous Episodes

Lunch Box

19 April 2022

An aging child star tries to recapture his fame when props from the TV show that made him famous go up for auction. We meet a colorful cast of characters, all vying for a famous lunch box and screen time in this mockumentary-style story.

Jelly Beans

12 April 2022

A group of kids learn to work together to escape from a giant after magical jelly beans lead to a sugary world in the clouds in this “sweet” take on Jack and the Beanstalk.


05 April 2022

A man learns a magical ability that allows him to enter photographs in newspapers. He tries to use this ability to clear his brother’s name after a hit-and-run, only to discover that his brother really is guilty. Also, we are once again taught the lesson that writing is hard.


29 March 2022

An orphan finds an enchanted penny that transports her 100 years into the past. A father and son take her in, and despite initially being a fish out of water, she eventually realizes that she has found her home.

Paper Bag

22 March 2022

Our attractive main character argues with a friend of hers that beauty does not positively affect success in life. The friend disagrees, and the two women bet on it. Now the attractive woman must wear a paper bag on her head in all social situations, and be just as successful at the end of 30 days as she is going into it. That means keeping her job and boyfriend, both of which are threatened almost immediately. Despite learning her lesson early on, the woman is determined to win the bet, and discovers a new way of navigating the world.

Toilet Brush

15 March 2022

You probably don’t think much of your toilet brush. Oh sure, you may be grateful it gets shoved into your toilet to do the cleaning so you don’t have to stick your hand down there, but no one would ever make an entire movie about a toilet brush right? Well…

On this week’s episode, we get down and dirty with the idea of a toilet brush playing a central role in a film. What could our toilet brush movie even be about? How could it be anything but gross? And how does Denny’s fit into it all?


08 March 2022

A shady government group uses biological matter to 3D print disposable human bodies. A special agent will temporarily transfer their consciousness into the body to use it for secret missions. While out on a mission, the lab and his original body are destroyed, trapping the agent in a body that wasn’t designed to last. He must race to find a solution before his 3D printed body deteriorates and he dies.


01 March 2022

When a birthday wish turns a woman’s boyfriend pillow into a real man, he initially seems like the perfect guy for her. But as time goes on and they drift apart, tensions rise and a breakup is imminent. How will a man who used to be a pillow survive in the world on his own?

Ceiling Fan

22 February 2022

The pattern on a child’s ceiling fan transports him to a fantasy world, where an evil wizard is taking over the kingdom. The child teams up with a band of misfits to help stop the wizard and rebuild the ceiling fan so he can be transported home.

Chicken Noodle Soup

15 February 2022

A woman with Alzheimer’s recounts her life and the role chicken noodle soup played in it, while her daughter prepares the family recipe for her in this tearful tale of love, family, and soup.