Enjoy all of our episodes, complete with show notes and transcripts.
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Latest Episode
Ep. 95
11 February 2025
When a woman accidentally curses her boyfriend, he becomes a man made entirely out of chocolate. Together, they must remove the curse and repair their relationship.
Previous Episodes
Turkey Baster
We’re going medieval on this episode about a mute palace servant whose sole job is to baste the king’s turkey legs. When the queer king can’t (or won’t) produce an heir, the turkey baster is called in to assist—but probably not in the way you’re thinking. It’s a farce of mistaken identities, complete with sex, murder, and a happy ending (*ahem* several, actually).
We roll the dice on a more serious romance story in this episode. It’s the late 1940s, and a pretty young pip painter at a dice factory catches the eye of the new guy. Unbeknownst to him, she has some serious post-war baggage, and the shadow of her late war hero husband looms over their nascent relationship. Join us as we explore (and poke fun at) gender role stereotypes in post-World War II America.
Candy Corn
Things get spooky when we tell scary stories about candy corn around a campfire. In the woods. At night. Despite Emily and Thomas bringing beer and making s’mores, Shep hates the entire experience—the reason why is revealed when he tells his story. But surely there’s nothing lurking in the woods, right?
Fire Extinguisher
We take a brief departure from movie plots on this episode, and instead come up with a kid’s book (or “children’s novel” as Shep keeps calling it). Join Raccoon, Bear, Dog, and an ever-growing cast of characters as they try to help Raccoon on his quest to get to the moon. It’s a heartwarming tale of loneliness, friendship, and a junk yard.
This week our film is a period piece set in the 1970s… Er, wait, that’s not right. It’s set in the 1890s. James spends a decade in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. To pass the time in his cell, he draws on the wall with chalk. To his surprise, he’s able to enter his drawings and live out his dreams. Upon his release, James struggles to reintegrate with society and tries desperately to get back into his fantasy world.
Charlie is comfortable with his life just the way it is. But a chance encounter with a vendor of homemade bath products at a farmers’ market turns Charlie’s old, familiar life on its head. It’s a return to magical reality in our episode about shampoo, and we follow Charlie as he struggles to get back the life he lost—with a few important changes.
Things get deep and philosophical on this episode… About string. Useful stuff, string, and in the story world we create, nearly everyone is connected to someone else via a string of fate that’s invisible to everyone but you and your soul mate. So what happens when a woman whose string was severed against her will meets a guy whose string is still intact?
Space Jam Sequel
We shake things up a bit this week by taking a slight departure from our regular format. We still come up with a movie, but on this week’s episode we come up with a sequel to the 1996 film Space Jam. We know what you’re thinking: Isn’t there already a Space Jam sequel? There is, but it’s terrible, so we set out to come up with something better. We’re pretty sure we succeeded.
Post-it Notes
It’s a darkly hilarious week when our Post-it Note movie takes a turn even we didn’t see coming. Our main character wants to add a little levity to the world with a secret-message scavenger hunt, but a series of accidental deaths cause authorities to suspect him of being a serial killer. Just when it seems like things couldn’t be any crazier, a real serial killer confronts our protagonist for squeezing in on his turf. Post-it Notes get him into the mess, but will they be his salvation?
Mac & Cheese
Harkening back to the style of some of our older episodes, we take a looser definition of “Mac & Cheese” this week. The movie plot we create is a coming of age story about a couple of kids trying to work through things that even adults struggle with. The ending is bittersweet for our two main characters, and it’s possible we work through some things ourselves.