
Enjoy all of our episodes, complete with show notes and transcripts.

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Ep. 80

Cassette Tape

16 July 2024

In a retro-futuristic world, a technology exists that allows you temporarily adopt someone else’s personality by listening to a special cassette tape. When a young woman goes missing, her brother uses her personality tape to try to find out what happened to her.

Previous Episodes


28 June 2022

Independence Day in the U.S. is right around the corner, so we’re celebrating with a Fourth of July classic: Fireworks! On this episode, we create some teenage characters who live where fireworks are illegal, but that doesn’t stop them from trying to get their hands on some. Things go hilariously wrong, and it’s up to our quick-witted high schoolers to figure out how to set it all right—or at least get their hands on the season’s most popular fireworks.


21 June 2022

According to Urban Dictionary, the irrational fear of zippers is called jumaphobia. It seems like a pretty rare phobia, but maybe after listening to this week’s episode there’ll be at least a few more cases. We promise it’s not too scary! Maybe more unnerving? Either way, it’s definitely entertaining.

Bowling Pin

14 June 2022

What do stolen diamonds, a shady pawn shop, and a bowling pin have in common? They’re all part of the story we came up with on this week’s show. When a couple of brothers learn their grand plan has been derailed, they quickly discover a trap has been laid for them. And somehow there’s a bowling pin at center of it all.


07 June 2022

This week on Almost Plausible we welcome our first guest host, Daniel Hess! Daniel chose “brick” for the subject of the episode. In our story, a victim of a murder turns out to have been killed with a brick, but there’s an interesting twist: Our story is set in the future, in a cloud city on Venus, where bricks have never existed. The android investigator and a human sidekick must work together and follow the clues to solve the mystery.


31 May 2022

After a false start, we manage to backtrack and find a new, much more successful story. The final outcome is a horror film about a serial killer who uses magical portals drawn on a whiteboard to attack his victims. The police are stumped by a total lack of clues, until one of the attacks goes wrong, and a trail starts to come together. It all culminates in a fast-paced chase to catch the killer before he escapes forever.

BBQ Grill

24 May 2022

A pair of vegetarians attend a Memorial Day barbecue in their neighborhood that goes seriously awry. The couple watches as their neighbors slowly start turning into meat-loving pod people. It’s a ridiculous horror-comedy that will having you craving burgers and kombucha.

Garden Hose

17 May 2022

In the style of a Stephen Chow kung fu comedy, our story this week focuses on a lazy martial arts student who must avenge his master’s death. He travels to the sifu’s village in the countryside and learns that his deceased teacher actually wasn’t that good of a martial artist. Luckily, everyone else in the village is, and he eventually learns to master the form. He returns to the city to confront the leader of the gang that killed his sifu, hoping to defeat him with a garden hose.

Bread Maker

10 May 2022

A benevolent local witch takes a runaway teen under her wing and begins to teach her magic. Being modern times, instead of a cauldron, the teen casts her spells in an enchanted bread maker. When the witch leaves town for a couple of days, the teen and a new friend of hers accidentally curse the children of the town in a story that we promise isn’t just a rehash of Practical Magic.


03 May 2022

Our story is set a tiny world, whose existence is protected from unknown dangers in the dark by a beam of light from a flashlight. But this world is in peril: The light beam is shrinking as the battery in the flashlight is dying, and none of them can replace it. Some citizens believe they should develop their own light source, but an authoritative religious sect has banned this research as heresy. Eventually, a splinter group decides to leave the town and venture through the darkness in search of a fabled land with more light than anyone has ever seen…

Paper Clip

26 April 2022

A once-popular restaurant is thrown into chaos when the staff incorrectly assumes they are being judged for a Michelin star. Things quickly go off the rails, and they have to burn down their relationships with each other in order to rebuild them and come out stronger. And all of this because of a single, stupid paper clip.