Support Almost Plausible
Almost Plausible wouldn't exist without your support. Whether it's as simple as listening to each episode, or as involved in becoming a financial backer of the show, there are many ways you can help.
Subscribe & Listen
This is where it all starts! Listening to each episode is the single biggest way you can support the show. Subscribe in your podcatcher of choice and enable auto-downloads (if possible) to ensure you never miss an episode. We also post the show on YouTube, if that's the most convenient way for you to listen.
Tell Others
When you tell your friends, family, and others around you about the things you're interested in, they're more likely to take an interest as well. Word of mouth is the most effective way for our audience to grow and we literally can't do it without you! Which episode is your favorite?
Rate & Review
The more 5 star ratings and positive reviews Almost Plausible has, the higher we'll rank in the podcast directories. Plus, someone who randomly comes across the show may be more willing to give a shot. Give us 5 star ratings wherever you can, but especially in Apple Podcasts, which (for better or worse) is still the 800 lb gorilla of podcast directories.
Start a Podcast
When creating a podcast, you have to decide which company to use to host and distribute your show. After a ton of research, we went with RedCircle, and we've been happy since day one. When you use our affiliate link to sign up for RedCircle, we get a small bonus and it doesn't cost you a penny more.
Sponsorships & Ads
If you're interested in sponsoring an episode or running an ad for your business (either host read or one you provide) on Almost Plausible, contact us and we'll sort out the details.
What about Patreon?
One of the leading ways for fans of a podcast to provide direct financial support is through Patreon. We don't have an account set up yet, but we do have plans to create on when the time right. When that time comes, we'll make an announcement on the show.
How about merch?
We have ideas for fun Almost Plausible merch, but there are other ducks that need to be aligned in a row before we'll be able to sell anything.
No matter how you choose to support the show, we are grateful for your patronage.